Quarantine Burn-Out? How to Thrive in Month 5.
Follow My 5 Proven Tips and Move from Tired to Inspired!
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I don’t know about you, but I was thriving through the first 2-3 months of quarantine. I was working harder than ever at the office, producing and turning around creative and inspired work. I was making an impact in the business, while also bringing a message of wellbeing with supporting tools and inspiration to my team and colleagues.
I was working around the clock on vision, strategy, projects and content and I was feeling good watching the positive impact of my work on people and the business. It was go, go, go at a consistent fast pace, relishing in the output and impact of my work for four full months. Then something changed and everything began to shift for me.
I’ve realized that choosing productivity over connection, or what I call “output over impact” is not sustainable for long periods. In times of crisis, when we place all of our energy into being hyper-productive, trying to solve a myriad of complex issues, we sometimes add more complexity, spirally us into working long hours, getting little rest and time to release and reset. We often add more meetings, projects, content & deadlines to our already full agendas, focusing on always doing more, which in human terms can often lead to accomplishing less. We forget that strategy is delivered through people. Human resources are our most important resources and therefore, we need to focus our energy on connection over content, people over process. As leaders, our job is to be clear on our vision, to inspire our teams with compelling strategies, to focus on the few critical things that will move us forward, and to get out of the way and let the work unfold.
“You cannot pour from an empty cup” is the simple truth in business and in life. We need to keep our glass full if we want to bring the best to the table in life. Adrenaline only lasts so long and working on such a high is not a sustainable practice. You see, when we are not good to ourselves, nothing works. Period. As leaders of our businesses, our teams, and as leaders of our lives, it is up to us to make the choices that will set us free from stress and overwhelm and allow us to live creatively, inspired, healthy and strong.
I have learned that consistently tuning into and nurturing the connection to ourselves is what allows us to operate in flow, in creativity and in the zone of influence and impact. When we are disconnected to that source of energy, intuition and flow, we shut down, become frustrated and perceive our lives and projects as insurmountable.
To beat the burnout and shift into flow, Follow these 5 quick steps to reset, reconnect and thrive this week!
Get organized & Get Clear
Create Inner Peace
Connect with People & raise your vibrations
Be Still
Channel the Energy you want with strong vision & intention
Get Organized and Clear
Clear the clutter and confusion from your life! When our physical environment and virtual environment are on overload we fail to see clearly or work effectively.
Block time on your calendar to weed through and organize your inbox and your to do list.
Prioritize your projects.
Chunk your time to allow creative time to work on your projects.
Say no to non-essential meetings or delegate to team members.